Our dance ministry team, under the direction of Lisa Harris-Browning, has been active in offering outreach for community projects as well as various churches. This ministry is open to dancers 2nd grade thru college. No dance experience is required. Monthly fee is $40-$45 and costumes are purchased once a year. Each week the team has devotions, prayer, dance instruction and discussions about missions they can serve. Mrs. Browning has a theology degree as well as many years of dance training. It is important for our dancers to know their ability to dance is a gift from God and they are to use it for His good. Activities include working with children from the United Methodist Children’s Home as well as local school students, helping bag food for Catholic Charities at Thanksgiving and offering ministry to various churches. This ministry has been the basis for ideals held by Lake City Dance Arts since its opening in 1995. We currently have three Praise in Motion teams: Junior (2nd thru 5th grade), Intermediate (Middle School) and Senior (Senior high and college)
LCDA has participated in eight local performances with the Dance Alive National Ballet company from Gainesville, Florida. This opportunity gives students the experience of an audition, rehearsals and performing on stage with professional dancers from around the world.